loons are good, and that canoe

Hi all,
No one has claimed that canoe yet. If you have a red canoe owning neighbor who is not here at this time, please check with them so we can get it back where it belongs ASAP.
The loons are fine so far but the strong north wind on Sunday was pushing waves right up that ramp to the loons chest. I tried to time a picture to show that but it was so rough I was lucky to get the loon in the picture at all. It was close enough to be worrisome for sure.

If you compare the above picture with this one taken today, it looks like the water has dropped a couple inches at least but it hasn’t. It’s just the waves we’ll all have to worry about for the next 28 days. I’d bet that those leaves and sticks on the ramp are the loon’s work to create a little dam there.

We had a bit of a raft emergency after it broke from its north side anchor Sunday. It was pushed about ten feet out of that first picture by the north wind but when the wind shifted to south it brought the raft back to bang on the rock and block the access to the ramp. The loon is right behind the raft in this picture.

A thank you to John Ebert for helping get it out of there in a hurry. We got lucky and found both loons feeding just south of the island when we got there so spooking them off the nest wasn’t an issue. If a loon leaves the nest frantically, there is always a chance of it accidentally rolling the egg(s) into the water. One loon did follow us in though and watched us pull the raft away before climbing back on the nest. John was concentrating hard on grabbing the remaining anchor line while I was so busy trying not to ding a prop that neither of us thought to look to see how many eggs there were. We haven’t found the nest empty since then so one or two eggs will remain a mystery for the time being. The raft is floating on the other side of the island (without the canopy) for the time being while we decide what to do with it. Over the next few days, we’ll put the rest of the signs around the island to try to keep people off there for the next month. Excellent weather is forecast for the next ten days so we’ll get it done ASAP.

On Monday, we found the mate low in the water and

the one on the nest crouched down, both looking north. We looked but could not see what was bothering them. The most likely answer is another loon though. Mike

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found canoe

Hi all,
A wandering canoe has turned up at a camp on Indian Trail. It’s a new looking red fiberglass Old Town, about 16’ long. It came in following strong north winds so likely came from the northern half of the lake.

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On the nest at Dunmore

Hi all,
We had a beautiful mid afternoon here today.

Temperature in the high 60’s and no wind made it perfect to float for a while.

We went up to find the loons and initially found both floating just inside the signs but one soon climbed up to sit on the one egg there. They were on and off frequently so we won’t start the countdown yet. Lets see if another egg appears in the next day or so.

While watching and chatting with Elaine and Steve Coon, this eagle flew over from south to north. Elaine, with her own eagle eyes, pointed us to where it landed about halfway to Utowana and we motored up to get a picture.

The loon on the nest was looking in that direction when we got back.
All in all, a good day I’d say. Mike

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End of a hot week, and good news

Hi all, In spite of near record hot temperatures, it has remained fairly quiet here on Dunmore. We have a few boats running around but not as many as I would expect in 80-90 degree weather. We go back to “normal” 60’s-low 70’s on Sunday.
No nest here as of yesterday but we have repeatedly seen the pair in close to the island with one trying to coax the other on shore to mate. We didn’t make it out there today but will be checking again as soon as the rain stops tomorrow.

Since we have only been able to find a pair for the last week or more, I had myself convinced that the two were the total. About 2:30 this morning however, Rosie was awakened by a what she describes as a pair loudly squabbling while another wailed. Whether the third loon has been here or just came in to cause trouble last night is unknown but we’ll be watching.
Because they mate on the island doesn’t mean they will nest there. We are hoping they use the raft so changing water levels aren’t an issue and Peggy Cox reported seeing them around the reeds in Cove Point where they built a nest 3 years ago. We’ll just have to wait and see what they decide.
We got some good pictures of the pair late day a couple days ago. We found them coming south from the north end at sunset and stayed with them

until the color got just perfect. Stare at the picture for a minute, take a couple of deep breaths and feel the tension melt away.

One more, in case you aren’t relaxed enough.

The good news as promised in the subject line comes in a note from Allon Wildgust.

Loon watchers, Today I made a last minute decision to hike in and check on the Silver Lake raft. We have a nester. ☺ I have attached a photo.
Marianne and I were at the raft site on 5/19/20 so the nesting date is sometime between then and today(5/28).

On the hike down I heard a Barred owl youngster begging for food.The parent (photo) called and shut the fledgling up. I could not find the young bird. I also found two loons at Goshen Dam today. Allon

We’ll finish with a link to a news report I received from many people, and I thank you all. I believe that what happens in nature is what is supposed to happen and I know that means that in loon vs eagle situations, the loons generally come out in a worse position. That’s especially true where chicks are involved. So in this case, hurrah for the loon. Mike

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Important this ‘n that

Hi all, We have a couple important things to mention today, the first being that there will be an application of herbicide on Lake Dunmore on June 17th. The process shuts down the lake for the 17th and most of the 18th. Swimming and most other activities may resume 24 hours after the treatment is finished. It’ll be well worth the inconvenience if it is nearly as successful as the first time.
The second is that the work on the railway bridge in Middlebury is starting again and much of the downtown area is affected UFN. For current updates, you can go to Middlebury’s website.
Jim Gish
Community Liaison
Middlebury Bridge and Rail Project

If you would like to receive these updates, you can sign up to receive them at the Town’s website www.townofmiddlebury.org, by clicking on Join Town Email List. Or you can view them on my blog at www.middleburybridges.org.

Also important is that the Pub has re-opened for take-out and with limited seating. Waterhouses Marina has reopened for all those parked there but the campground is presently limited to 25% capacity.

Back in the not-so-important category, we had a fly-by of the F-35s today as they went from hospital to hospital in a tribute to the health care workers. We were out on the lake waiting, heard them coming but had trouble seeing them. By the time I looked a couple miles ahead of the sound, this is all I got.

Allon Wildgust did a much better job from his home in Brandon, he actually got them coming.

I did a much better job with this fly-by later this afternoon.

Late this afternoon we found the pair of loons feeding just outside North Cove. I only got a picture of one because they were underwater much more than they were up. We scanned the lake from there to South Cove hoping to confirm that we have 3 loons here but saw no more. Tomorrow is another day.

Peter Mackey got a good one while out fishing with Chet Williamson. We do have nice fish in here. Mike

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The raft penthouse

Hi all,
Allon and I went out yesterday and beefed up the raft with more vegetation, more trees to hide behind (thank you Cathy Molloy for the pine saplings), and more flotation (thank you Mark Thomas from Goodro’s) to get the loons a little higher off the water to keep the whole thing from sinking.
We went from this

to this

to this. Notice the ramp on the left side for ease of climbing on, they’ll need it. The sunshade/eagle-shade is Allon’s handiwork. We’re hoping for no gale force winds over the next 5-6 weeks if the loons in fact decide to use the raft instead of the shore right behind it. Those of you who have had difficulty finding the nest in previous years should be able to easily locate it this year.

We took a little ride after the work was done and found the pair feeding off West Shore Rd. while working their way towards the middle of the lake. We think there are three here right now but aren’t sure yet.

I caught a fluff, always a fun shot. They seemed unbothered by our floating nearby, always a good sign.

The rest of the pictures are especially for those of you cooped up in civilization somewhere. Just a little bit of nature around Lake Dunmore. The first one is from Pam Mamourian’s son Marcus, taken a couple days ago.

Kathy Dick gets the credit for the rest. The temperature is in the high 60’s to low 70’s and they were all taken along the lakeshore. Just stare at them and relax and pretend you are here. Thank you Kathy. Mike

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Loon update

Hi all, Today was one of those we have been waiting for. Light winds and a temperature near 70 made for a wonderful day to do whatever needed to be done.
Dave Phelps came over and we towed the raft up to the island to give the loons an option if/when they decide to nest.

It’s sitting close to where they nested on the island the last several times. Since we have lost two nests to flooding here, I personally hope they opt for the raft. We also put out half the signs, the ones on the east side around the raft and one on the landing spot on the west side to discourage folks from going on there.

David and I saw a couple single loons feeding when we took a ride after we finished but he went back out in his kayak looking for the loons later and found this single off West Shore Rd.

He got the pictures of the year so far, wow!

There’s no way I’m going to try to pick a best one, so you get to see them all.

Other loon news is from Sue Wetmore who reports that the pair on Kent Pond (near Killington) has already nested. No loon pic from Sue but here’s a chestnut sided warbler she got in Brandon about a week ago.

Kathy Dick send a pic from this morning up at Silver Lake where it’s looking very low now. Maybe we’ll have to get up and check to see how that raft is doing. We know the water at Goshen Dam is mostly gone but didn’t know Silver was going down also. Right now there is nothing but dry weather in the forecast too.

And we’ll finish this note with a few more pictures from David, who it seems is on a streak. He found this red necked grebe here on Dunmore last week.

Yesterday he kept the streak going with this belted kingfisher and

this common tern. Thank you to all photographers, plenty for you readers to enjoy. Mike

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Happy Mother’s Day

Hi all, A very happy Mother’s Day to those of you who have earned the title. I’ll go out on a limb and promise you all a warmer Mother’s Day weekend is coming next year.
Here in the valley we did have a little snow left on some tree limbs and in some shady spots this morning but it should be all gone by afternoon. Warmer weather is finally in the forecast though we will have to wait for next weekend for it to finally get here.
We have a few pictures left from yesterday. Kathy Dick sent along this one of her hummer feeder. Snow on hummer feeders just seems so wrong.

Also from Kathy, an unwelcoming dock at the fishing access. I had heard that the state was going to leave it out to discourage visitors but it went in about a week and a half ago. The porta-potty was taken away though and remains conspicuous in its absence, not a great idea in my opinion since folks using the dock will also likely use the woods if they need to. Since the porta=potty and the greeters both cost money, we might not see either return this summer.

I missed sending this one from Dave Phelps yesterday. Wouldn’t this make a great puzzle for people who like a beautiful but difficult one to muddle through.

Mary Mester sent this grosbeak picture down from Ripton. We had our first grosbeaks show up on Friday but haven’t seen them since.

Goldfinches have dominated our feeder this spring but this purple finch showed up this morning.

Just to show we don’t just sit around all day and take pictures of birds, Lorraine Abramson got this shot of me towing Jay out to moor his raft in its spot. Historically we seem to pick days when the wind is kicking up whitecaps, just to make the job more difficult, but this time it was a piece of cake. Enjoy, Mike

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It’s beginning to look a lot like ___________ (fill in the blank).

Good morning all, One correction from yesterday, the loon pair really was at Silver Lake while they were working on the raft a few days ago.
A reminder that I really appreciate reports from anyone going there or to Goshen Dam, even if it is that you saw nothing. We are not going to encourage nesting by putting out the raft at Goshen Dam but if they decide to try to nest on the barren shoreline we’d like to get up there ASAP to put signs around them.

The view from the upstairs window this morning is a bit unusual for the day before Mother’s Day.

We ate lunch out here on Friday. Not today though, no, no.

I forgot to bring in the hummer feeder last night. Hummers have been seen in the area for several days now so if you normally put a feeder out, now might be a good time.

All the pictures so far are from Rosie, thank you Hon. She continued down to the dock to check on Becky. She’s a tough old bird though and can take the cold fine (Becky not Rosie. Rosie is as tired of the cold as the rest of us.).

Dede Snyder was up early and sent along her view on Indian Trail.

From Ripton, new contributor Nanny-Co Lathrop sent a couple pics.

Pretty, but….brrr.

Dave Phelps caught this merganser right in the fishing access yesterday.

And this gold finch outside his window on West Shore Rd. this morning.

Just to return to thinking warm, we’ll finish with this Bullocks Oriole outside Shelly & Bill Brown’s window on the other side of the country where they are probably not having nearly as much fun as we are this morning.
Thank you photographers. Keep the pictures coming please and I’ll keep passing them along. Mike

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May? Found boat, GMP

Hi all,
A rowboat washed up at the Rosenfeld camp at 620 Indian Trail. If you know of someone looking, please pass it along.

Spring is slow to move back this year. We have accumulating snow forecast overnight with several inches possible in the higher elevations. No warm up to normal in the forecast for the next ten days.

In spite of that, we have gotten some work done since the last note. Folks went into Silver Lake with a canoe to help ease the chore of putting some vegetation on, and some flotation under the raft. A big thank you to GMP for the access. No loons were seen while they were working and none the next day either but we are ready for them when they do return.

Allon visited Goshen Dam and gives us a view looking down at the launch ramp turned parking area. It’ll be this way through next summer while they do extensive work on the dam. Allon did see the pair while there.
With the water this low I would think fish would be crowded and looking for food which would lead to good fishing. I talked to several fishermen on both my trips up there and no one has caught any.

Here on Lake Dunmore have been very quiet. Last Sunday was very nice and that brought a few boats out but since then I could count the boats I’ve seen on one hand.
Dave Phelps has been kayaking on every decent day and has yet to find the pair of loons but he did get this one in the cove just outside the access. What a shot.

Also in the cove were these mergansers.

One great picture after another.

We finally got the boat in the water a couple days ago. Rosie and I went on a loon hunt yesterday afternoon and found this one resting about halfway from the island to the east shore. Folks have frequently been seeing a pair in and just out of North Cove and frequently a single down here. I’d bet we already have three here.

I’ve heard nothing from Fern Lake lately so I’m assuming no news means no loons yet. It’s still early and they are still migrating. Sue Wetmore saw two rafts of loons near the Champlain Bridge that totaled about 30 loons. It very unusual to see that many in one or two groups. A fisherman told me he saw them all together and there were at least 50 of them. But you know them fishermen.

We finish with an Easter Towhee that Sue found in Brandon. Thank you photographers for a bunch of wonderful pictures. Mike

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